
Fundraising ($56,464 raised)

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Raised: $56,464
Contributors: 1,809

Top fundraisers:

Top contributors:

  • 1.
    Anonymous $657
  • 2.
    Nancy White $650
  • 3.
    Deborah Winslow $600
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              This race ended 06/29/16 - check out the final activity below.

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                  This race ended 06/29/16 - check out the final activity here.

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                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
                  • jazzsnat929 Ravenclaw June 29, 2016
                    Thanks for backing me Nicole Harris!
                  • kaylaaanicoleee June 29, 2016
                    You all are blowing my mind!!! Congrats to all of the teams for reaching the finish line and for continuing this INCREDIBLE fundraising effort. <3 /*
                  • Huffletuff Hufflepuff June 29, 2016
                    I did 3.6 since I saw we had less than 18 to go!
                  • SusanTerral Hufflepuff June 29, 2016
                    Doing the Hufflepuff Happy Dance! Now I might have to stop at that Dunkin Donuts to celebrate :-) We are at the finish line! Yay!
                  • JenE Hufflepuff June 29, 2016
                    Ignore the Dunkin Donuts at all costs! #Badgerproblems #cookielovingpuff
                  • klm89 Hufflepuff June 28, 2016
                    Hi! My mom says she donated to me, but I didn't receive an email notifying me about it. Is there a way to check that her donation has been received? Thanks!
                    Hey @klm89! I'm seeing the completed donation on our end! :) It looks like it came thru yesterday!
                  • SlowJo Gryffindor June 28, 2016
                    Go Hufflepuffs! Roar! You are all doing great!
                  • Snekkins Slytherin June 28, 2016
                    Go puffs go!!!
                  • del_kss8Dg Ravenclaw June 28, 2016
                    Less than 240 miles to go!! You've got this!!! Run, Badgers, Run!!!!!
                  • DieselD Slytherin June 28, 2016
                    Come on Huffs! You got this!!!
                  • umi Ravenclaw June 28, 2016
                    Almost there Badgers!!!!! :D :D :D
                  • DangerNoodle68 Slytherin June 28, 2016
                    Go Hufflepuff! You got this!
                  • StacyK66 Slytherin June 28, 2016
                    Come on Badgers! Go, go, go!
                  • Katers Gryffindor June 28, 2016
                    Keep up the good work, Puffs - you guys got this!
                  • Amos Gryffindor June 28, 2016
                    You got this Hufflepuff!!!
                  • SlytherWitch30 Slytherin June 28, 2016
                    Go Hufflepuff!
                  • Huffletuff Hufflepuff June 28, 2016
                    2.4 miles to 9,000!
                  • MaryS Hufflepuff June 28, 2016
                    Hufflepuffs are on our way to the finish line! Get the Butterbeer ready!!
                  • del_kss8Dg Ravenclaw June 28, 2016
                    Over 100 miles down in the last 2 hours! Get it, Puffs!!! :-D
                  • tarabelle Gryffindor June 28, 2016
                    Come on Hufflepuff, you can do it!!!
                  • MartaG Ravenclaw June 28, 2016
                    YAY!!! Gryffindor FINISHES! :D Come on Badgers!
                    Welcome Lions! Strong work!!!
                  • MartaG Ravenclaw June 28, 2016
                    Hey Badgers, don't get distracted by all that beautiful water! We all want to see you at the finish line! :D Oh and Lions, put the jets on, you're nearly there :D!
                  • PharmacySpice Gryffindor June 27, 2016
                    Ok Lions and Badgers let's get those feet moving and finish! We can do this!
                  • ljmd Hufflepuff June 27, 2016
                    I have received another donation in last few days but never got an email to notify me. I'd like to check to see if the person left their name so I can thank them but I don't know how to go about doing that. Thanks.
                    There is also the $15 registration that they added to everyone's fundraising total.
                    There is also the $15 registration that they added to everyone's fundraising total.
                    There is also the $15 registration that they added to everyone's fundraising total.
                    There is also the $15 registration that they added to everyone's fundraising total.
                  • Friia Ravenclaw June 27, 2016
                    Let's go gadgets and lions. You're in the home stretch now!!!
                    Wowsers! :D
                    Wowsers! :D
                    Wowsers! :D
                    Wowsers! :D
                    Wowsers! :D
                    Wowsers! :D
                  • Cork Hufflepuff June 27, 2016
                    where can i see who backed me?
                    You should've received emails letting you know who backed you (unless they were anonymous backers -- then their name wouldn't be included in the email! Did you receive any of these?
                  • SheaAntoinette Ravenclaw June 27, 2016
                    Big cats are almost to Nah'leans! Badgers making their way to San Antonio! Let's go go go! Queen Bey is waiting to greet you as you pass by Houston!
                  • MizMegan Slytherin June 27, 2016
                    Badgers and can do this!!! I am cheering for you!!! :-)
                  • Stabby Slytherin June 27, 2016
                    Go Lions & Badgers! Us snakes and the claws can't wait to see you guys at the party :)
                  • Friia Ravenclaw June 26, 2016
                    the agony of waiting for the last 35 miles to be done lol
                  • LadyHawk Ravenclaw June 26, 2016
                    @RaceryLesley I posted 1.5 miles and it was supposed to be 1.15...can that be fixed?
                    No worries I did the .35 to back up my posted miles. @RaceryLesley Thanks for everything!
                  • Molly Gryffindor June 26, 2016
                    My bio history shows I've done 53 miles, but the list of runners show 49.something. Why the difference?
                    Hey @Molly! What I'm seeing looks ok now. :)
                  • Friia Ravenclaw June 26, 2016
                    come on puffs, put the cookies down and pass them lions 8)
                  • Lelia Ravenclaw June 26, 2016
                    Way to go, Slytherin!!
                  • DrSnek Slytherin June 26, 2016
                    Time for that big Eagle comeback? #hpweekend #dangernoodles
                  • ImaNoodlin Slytherin June 26, 2016
                    @RaceryKayla or @RaceryLesley , I logged miles(4.4) today the 26th, but it's placed them on the 25th. Wanted to be accurate
                    Thanks @RaceryLesley !
                    Thanks @RaceryLesley !
                  • SneakySnek Slytherin June 26, 2016
                    @RaceryKayla or @RaceryLesley, I logged .2 miles last night with a note "still getting some small distances in." On my phone for some reason it logged as Jun 24 instead of 25. Is there any way to change it to the 25? I know we aren't backlogging any more miles and didn't want a discrepancy!
                    Thank you!
                    Thank you!
                  • DrSnek Slytherin June 26, 2016
                    Lovely morning for a run! So glad for the motivation to be getting out there for some exercise.
                  • Friia Ravenclaw June 25, 2016
                    So snakes have about 521 more miles and eagles have almost 920 miles. I think we really need to get in gear lol
                    Good luck with that! ????????
                  • DrSnek Slytherin June 25, 2016
                    Hope you're all having a lovely #HPweekend! I know I am.
                  • MartaG Ravenclaw June 25, 2016
                    Everybody is doing such a fantastic job! Think about how amazing it is that all four of our houses look like they will finish this race days ahead of schedule! Now lets all finish STRONG! #OneHRC
                  • Gypsy116 Slytherin June 25, 2016
                    Go Snakes, Go! You are awesome and kicking some butt! Keep adding those miles, we'll be there in no time! <3
                  • Friia Ravenclaw June 25, 2016
                    Ok eagles, I'm starting to get nervous. Snacks are getting to far ahead!!!!!
                  • Gryffendorphins Gryffindor June 25, 2016
           our teams finish, are we allowed to continue adding miles towards the individual rankings? Or will you freeze the rankings when the first team crosses the finish, but still allow unfinished Houses to compile mileage?
                  • MartaG Ravenclaw June 25, 2016
                    OMG, are we gonna make it back to Orlando by tomorrow?!?! What will I do all day Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!?! LOL
                  • Friia Ravenclaw June 25, 2016
                    Ok Eagles, it's time to throw the book at the snakes for speeding. The heavier the book the better. I'll start with the vintage Websters dictionary I have from the 60s. Its huge and heavy lol
                  • Friia Ravenclaw June 25, 2016
                    I like how we are giving the snakes a little lead again before we swoop in to take the lead again.
                  • SwiftieSnake Slytherin June 24, 2016
                    So does the race end when a team makes it to the starting point in Orlando, or is there an end date?
                    There are first second third and fourth place points awarded according to when your team crosses the finish line. Your team has until the 29th to finish. Donations can come in until the 30th. First, second, third and fourth place points are awarded for donation amounts as well. Those are calculated after donations closes on the 30th.
                  • SlytherWitch30 Slytherin June 24, 2016
                    I have received another backer, but must have missed the email to tell me who it was! Any way to find out? Thanks!
                    It must be my registration! All of a sudden there was an extra $20! Thanks!
                    It must be my registration! All of a sudden there was an extra $20! Thanks!
                    It must be my registration! All of a sudden there was an extra $20! Thanks!
                  • MommaSusie Gryffindor June 24, 2016
                    I am 63.1 miles away from my pledged 200 miles... I never thought I would be in the top 500 let alone the top 10... So, as this comes to an end... Way to go HRC... We are an Army that is here to beat All Odds... And to stand up for those which are not able... And we FIGHT AS ONE!!!
                  • Molly Gryffindor June 23, 2016
                    How long does it take for the fundraising to update? My mom gave me $20 to sponsor me, and I just made the donation. But it isn't showing up under my name.
                    It's there now. Thanks! Sorry I'm impatient! LOL!
                    It's there now. Thanks! Sorry I'm impatient! LOL!
                    It's there now. Thanks! Sorry I'm impatient! LOL!
                  • Friia Ravenclaw June 23, 2016
                    ooo we pulled ahead again lol
                  • Bekoj Hufflepuff June 23, 2016
                    I messed up and logged a run twice! Can @RaceryKayla or @RaceryLesley delete the 6/20 2.9 miles? Thank you!
                    Of course :) you're all set!!!
                  • SmoochiBoochies Slytherin June 23, 2016
                    @RaceryKayla should we get a notification or email if someone backs us? Or is there a way to look in my profile? I've raised $15 and had no idea! I would like to tell them thanks if it wasn't anonymous.
                    @RaceryKayla Ah! Thanks for the response. I will thank myself then! Lol
                    @RaceryKayla Ah! Thanks for the response. I will thank myself then! Lol
                  • MommaSusie Gryffindor June 23, 2016
                    Hey everyone... Thank you for all of your support... This is tough fir an old lady... LOL... Just hearing the *ding of the email alerts from all of you helps me add another mile...
                    @MommaSusie, you're awesome. :)
                  • trvlngdoc Gryffindor June 23, 2016
                    @RaceryKayla the 6 miles logged on my profile for 6/21 are incorrect. Will you please delete them?
                    Thanks! Y'all rock @RaceryKayla!
                    Thanks! Y'all rock @RaceryKayla!
                  • ScrapperKaren Ravenclaw June 23, 2016
                    @RaceryLesley Eeek! I got excited and logged a short walk twice! On 6/22 The last update I put 2.8 and it should only be 2.0. I already logged the .8 earlier! Thanks and sorry for the mistake!
                    Replying here too that it's fixed! :)
                    Replying here too that it's fixed! :)
                  • BrickMasterJMV Ravenclaw June 23, 2016
                    ? Hey baby, let's go to Vegas, bet on love and let it ride! ?
                    'Twas not so much a race as a joint effort evening stroll. :) sov godt!
                  • trvlngdoc Gryffindor June 22, 2016
                    I accidentally replied to today's email with yesterday's date. How do I get that fixed?
                  • MartaG Ravenclaw June 21, 2016
                    @RaceryLesley it looks fine on my log. It's on my trek where it looks like it's backdating. I have a screenshot I can send if that helps.
                    Oh yes, please do!! Thank you!
                  • MartaG Ravenclaw June 21, 2016
                    @RaceryLesley I noticed that for the past couple of days when I log my miles they show up as though I logged them the day before. I don't want to get accused of cheating. I'll keep all of my picture logs for #BossWitch as a backup. Just wondered if there was a programming bug that is backdating my miles by a day.
                    Thanks @MartaG for letting me know!!
                  • halfj4ck Hufflepuff June 21, 2016
                    I have accidentally double logged on 6/20. I only ran once yesterday. I was told you can help me fix this @RaceryLesley
                    I'll fix it for you! Happy to help!
                  • Friia Ravenclaw June 21, 2016
                    woohoo. come on claws lets take over them snakes. Remember, eagles favorite food is to eat snakes 8)<3<3
                  • DieselD Slytherin June 21, 2016
                    Thank you Ed for you're awesome contribution! You are amazing!
                  • AshleyinFL Ravenclaw June 21, 2016
                    @racerylesley - I only have access on my phone and it won't let me click on my name. Can you tell if my 4.0 miles logged this am? I don't see anything in Tecent Activity and didn't get the usual confirmation screen but don't want to repost until I am sure. Thanks!
                    It did!! ;)
                  • HawkSquawk Ravenclaw June 20, 2016
                    @RaceryLesley how do i see the breakdown of my donations? i found on my page where to see my total raised, but not a listing of the individual donations. thanks!
                    Please email me the list. I must have missed some emails because my donation total is much higher than what I received emails for.
                    Please email me the list. I must have missed some emails because my donation total is much higher than what I received emails for.
                    Please email me the list. I must have missed some emails because my donation total is much higher than what I received emails for.
                  • Catattack Gryffindor June 20, 2016
                    Hey Slytherin, where are you going??? I thought you said to meet you in St-Louis!!
                  • SheaAntoinette Ravenclaw June 20, 2016
                    did slytherin make a loop around the arch and then turn back? are you lost sneks?
                  • TammyT Hufflepuff June 20, 2016
                    Is there a way to tell who donated to me? I have a $15 donation but I can't tell where to look so I can thank that person!
                    Got it!! I wasn't seeing it next to everyones name so that's why I thought I was special lol. Thank you!! @RaceryLesley
                    Got it!! I wasn't seeing it next to everyones name so that's why I thought I was special lol. Thank you!! @RaceryLesley
                    Got it!! I wasn't seeing it next to everyones name so that's why I thought I was special lol. Thank you!! @RaceryLesley
                  • LadyHawk Ravenclaw June 20, 2016
                    @RaceryLesley Is there any way of knowing who backed me up to say thank you... at least just the name. Thank You.
                    @RaceryLesley and here I was all happy that someone had backed me up and it was me! Hahahaha... oh well!!
                    @RaceryLesley and here I was all happy that someone had backed me up and it was me! Hahahaha... oh well!!
                    @RaceryLesley and here I was all happy that someone had backed me up and it was me! Hahahaha... oh well!!
                  • Ola_J Slytherin June 20, 2016
                    I'm a data nerd -- is there / will there be a way to download individuals' (deidentified) data (runs logged, house) in the future? I'd be really curious to see how different houses approach the race. ^-^
                    I was hoping for something a little more in-depth -- ah well :D Thank you!! <3
                    I was hoping for something a little more in-depth -- ah well :D Thank you!! <3
                  • RaceryLesley June 20, 2016
                    Hey everyone!! In case you missed the message from Dawn in the Great Hall: we have adjusted the donation totals on the site to reflect all of the registration fees and donations!! There is a "bit" of a jump in the number... and we still have more than a week to go!!!
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                      • From: Pulse, Orlando
                      • To: W. Esther St, Orlando
                      • Start date: June 15, 2016
                      • End date: June 29, 2016
                      • 0:00 EST
                      • 23:59 EST
                      • Route distance: 9,339.2 miles
                      • Total logged: 37,964.0 miles
                      Join Hogwarts Running Club in a virtual fundraising race honoring Orlando benefiting The Trevor Project!

                      We have a hefty goal of $10,000, but with everyone’s help, we know we can achieve it!

                      *Update: surpassed the $10,000 goal and now headed past $30,000!!

                      #WeRunAsOne #LoveWins

                      "While we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one."

                      The Trevor Project will receive all donations less Paypal processing fees. All proceeds from racer entry fees will also benefit The Trevor Project, less Paypal fees and $3/racer for Racery tech and support.

                      All funds flow through the Hogwarts Running Club's Paypal account. Amounts in the Fundraising sections of the Racery'race page represent donations and entry fees gross of Paypal and Racery fees.

                      This race is powered by Racery.

                      Running and walking miles count -- please no step counters.

                      No mileage submitted yet.